Thursday, July 1, 2010

Did lose it slightly

So after writing that I was all zen and that I was not going to worry about what was going to happen with this pregnancy, I promptly went off and started to worry. In fact I got myself all worked up. It was one of those occasions when it just seemed to get out of my grasp.
I went and borrowed a bp cuff from my friend and was measuring my bp constantly for a bit and then worrying when the numbers came back the same. I got really fixated on the numbers....
I am sure that if this was happening to a friend of mine when I would be saying whoa back girl. It is all looking pretty good. But I could not step back from myself and do this.
The negative and the positive parts of my brain were really going for it. I would try and think positively and then whammo there would be a negative thought come in and I would be off again. I don't think that there seemed to be a point to the worry and so I asked myself many times.... WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??
And then I started to try and look at things that were good in my life so that every time I thought of something negative, I would think of something good. It might be that the trees look pretty, that Molly is totally cool, that I have the perfect husband and slowly the positive took over.
I also thought that there are aspects that I need to get control over so that if I am in a situation where I feel that I have no control then I have control over the bits that I can. I cannot control if I have a prem but  I can be more involved and have control over other aspects of my care than I was with Molly. Namely the first 24 hours post birth. So I have written a plan that I will print out and keep in my wallet so that if the worst should occur then I know I have thought about the stuff that I want to happen and can just give the paper to the carers. Then I feel like I have got some control in a situation that I have no control over.
I have been following a woman's blog that had hellp at 28 weeks with her first child and she is about to have her second child. I am SO excited for her. I do not even know her and will probably never meet her but it is SO amazing to see someone go on and have a term baby, especially when she had hellp worse than me. YEAH!!!! I felt like jumping up and down and the thought that she had made it. Hopefully it will be us next!!!!
Take care


  1. You will be next! And dont worry about the freakouts. I had many.

    My perinatologist made me feel better by telling me that these little anxiety attacks and moments of freaking out will NOT cause preeclampsia. That was in a way a relief. I felt like I was allowed time now and then to panic and work my way through it. Good luck,

    Tiffany (anonpreemiemom)

  2. checking the numbers always made it worse for me, because I'd get a bad number, then recheck, and recheck and recheck:)
    Our first baby was born (emergency c section) after I started seizing. I had Eclampsia, and maybe HELLP-not sure about the hellp, I'm waiting to get my records in so I can check.
    I was able to carry our send little on all the way to 35 weeks and 6 days, only had mild pe at 32 weeks, and then moderate right before delivery (c-section)
    Hope your feeling better!
