Wednesday, July 28, 2010

dust is settling

Last week we went to Adelaide. 1- to get Molly's belly button hernia repaired and 2 to see an ob to get a second opinion about if we should be doing anything differently in this pregnancy.

The repair of Molly's hernia was pretty horrible. She is such a trooper and takes things on the chin (she has had such a lot of things to take on the chin) but it was really hard to watch her go through yet another thing. She had a wee pre-med before the surgery and it was kind of funny as she looked drunk. She was in fits of laugher in the pre op as a helium balloon was touching the ceiling. It was a bit of a different story afterwards. I was lying on her bed and I said to John " I think that it is her coming" as you could hear her crying as she was brought down the corridor ( from quite a way away). It was horrible for her.

 She just could not settle and was kicking and crying and we all felt so helpless.  Finally we were able to get her to sleep and when she woke up a while later she was back to herself but in a bit of pain. This time was a bit different for me as I had John and Mum there. Usually it is just me there which is ok, you just get down to business but with 3 and her being so distressed I think that we all felt surplus. I have my fingers and toes crossed that we do not have to go through anything again for a very long time. For Molly. I really do think that she has been through enough!!!

For the second reason we saw the Dr and he was a bit condescending to start off with. Starting going on that we should think of the glass as half full not half empty and that nothing might happen this pregnancy. He totally did not get it. So we stuck at it and finally he gave us some figures that we need to keep in mind. Said that if my Bp goes up by 15 points systolically or diastolically then it is to get re-checked again that day and if it is still up then again the next day. He talked us through protein in the pee and what that would mean at each stage and what it would mean if there was no protein in the pee but an elevated bp. Said that we would not be getting any different service in a metro area and both John and I came away thinking that we were actually getting better service where we are. Our midwife is great and is very respectful to what we are going through and the choices that we make. This guy was almost at bullying stage at the end of the consult for me to go and get a gestational diabetes test done. John and I were like... our daughter is about to have surgery.... give us a freaking break.

Anyway my head is a lot calmer this week. I never thought that I would say (and I am slightly nervous to say) but I am kind of over it. I just want to lie on my stomach at night, and not to worry about things however slightly or consumingly and to meet the wee fella. I really hope that we make it to 37 weeks and I hope that the next weeks go really fast. I am ready for the next stage (which I am sure will be less sleep or no sleep and chaos!!!)

Thoughts going out to neonate and high risk pregnancy women.

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