Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love the low bp reading

So it might be a bit hard to see what is in the photo but it is my belly. The baby is getting bigger and am starting to show, and I suppose I should be as I am hitting on to 22 weeks today. YAY.
Went and saw my midwife yesterday and everything is going along swimmingly. BP is 114/66 which is ace. It is always great to get a low bp reading. I feel like I get on a bit of a high for a few days. Last one that was taken was at the dr when I took Molly and it was 127/80. The interesting thing is that I tend to get higher reading on the electronic machines. At least at the maternity unit they always use a manual gismo.
Heard the babies heartbeat and all is sounding good. At the moment at least. I think that is the hard bit. I always feel that there should be a "at the moment" part because it might turn pear shape.... BUT at the moment it is good. And that is cool. I was trying to remember what I was like with Molly at this stage. We had just moved country, were looking for a house, looking for work and organizing a wedding. I think that I was pretty puffy by this stage... and as everyone who I have read who had hellp talks about thinking that this is normal, so did I. I just thought that this is what you got when you were pregnant. Hard to know the abnormal when you have never had the normal before.
Anyway trying to keep my head above water. For some reason I am really worried about the 23 week. I have been for a long time. I think that I see the 24 weeks as a bit of a milestone. At 24 weeks they are far more likely to do interventions although my midwife said that at Adelaide they will intervene at 23 weeks if the parents decide. Which I don't think think that we would. But who knows until we are in that situation. But to be 23 weeks and to have something happen would be full on as the babies just have a better chance at every week that they stay in.
So fingers crossed that we cruise through the next 2 weeks. If they go as fast as the last 2 weeks we will be through them before you know it.
Thoughts going out to all the neonate parents.


  1. You're doing great, Sarah! That bp is awesome - and you don't look puffy at all in your FB pic's - you're looking really good. Hugs to all xo

  2. Cute belly!
    PS: Think I'm not traumatised about the twins preterm birth because I was too busy being traumatised about the pregnancy and my relationship. Also the special care nurses at RWH ROCKED!! totally inclusive and really on board with attachmnet theory.
    loves to youse xx
